This may be a bit of a temporary issue, but of late, and in particular today, I have noticed an unusual number of questions that contain their content in linked images. I generally do about 20 close reviews per day, and today I have seen at least six or seven questions (and at least one answer in the LQ queue) that primarily contained its content within an image.
The phenomenon is not infrequent -- I generally see one such question every few days or so, usually from a new user -- but I am curious if my observations of the increased frequency match with others' observations as well.
And, if this is a trend to continue, would it perhaps be worth suggesting to modify the quality score algorithm to look for questions that have a low text-to-image ratio? Most of the questions that come through the close queue don't have any commentary on them, but in my experience questions that go through the LQ queue get the auto-generated comment from reviewers, so that might streamline the process.
Perhaps we could add an auto-comment such as, "This post contains its content in image form. Images may be difficult to read for some users on some devices, and links to external images can break in the future. Please write your question in text."