A lot of questions on the site are asked by one time users who think that this is a magical place where all homework gets done with no effort put into it. Usually, the users prompt the question author for details on what he already did (to prove that he put some effort into the task he is trying to solve). Often, this helps the user realize the answers here are not free and, with help from the community, solves the assignment on his own (with hints, of course).
However, some users simply leave the question hanging, never to visit it again. I have a feeling that these are the laziest of the users, who, realizing the answer is not free, just leave the site in a "meh, I don't want to bother" kind of attitude.
My question is this: what is the best way to deal with these questions? Do you:
- Do nothing?
- Downvote them and leave them to rot?
- Flag them? As what? None of the possible reasons for flagging seems really appropriate to me...
- Vote to close? Again, I don't think there is an appropriate reason in the list of possible reasons to close the question.
So what do you do with questions like this? For now, I first try to get more information on the question, then (after, say, an hour) I downvote the question, never to bother with it again.