I have started to read the book A Treatise on Advanced Calculus written by "Philip Franklin" book. I want to read this book seriously. Nearly 3 or 4 years ago I studied "Calculus An Introductory Approach" by Ivan Niven. I have some basic knowledge of calculus but some of the proofs were omitted in that book so I have started to read more advanced texts.
While reading the books I sometimes do not understand what the author tries to convey, that is the way author deals with some specific concept.
I will basically ask these kind of questions:
Why and how the author explained concept$X$ this way? What if we reject definition$Y$? What is the logic behind assumption$Z$? etc etc.
The definition$X^{'}$ can be proved from the definition$Y^{'}$ so why the author quote $X^{'}$ as a definition? etc etc.
Sometimes advanced contexts skips some obvious logic (because they are assumed to be understood, that is need not to be mentioned) so i would also ask:
- How the author deduced the statement$Y$ from the statement$X$
I will refuse to ask how to solve this question or that question? I might ask for a hint for some difficult questions.
I've already asked one question of the type I described above here. I got a very nice answer.
P.S: On other stack exchange sites I got banned and suspended for some reasons (out of which one was that most of my questions were silently downvoted). I want to make a clear edge before posting questions on this site.
I will mostly ask questions. I will not contribute much by answering because I have not apt knowledge of mathematics so sorry about this.