Since I've started using MSE, I've been waiting for that moment where I could contribute by means of answering questions. Everyday on this site, that moment seems farther and farther away.
Whenever I come across a question that I might be able to answer, I would first obsess about whether it's correct in the first place, and if I'm confident in its validity, I notice that some of the quicker guns have already provided an answers, at the very least using the methods I would have used. Consequently, I don't post my answer.
Another thing, quite frankly, I don't know much mathematics(at this moment). In a way, my lack of knowledge kind of makes me feel like I'm abusing this site by only having asked questions to this point(I have answered a question or two in the past, but deleted it since I wasn't satisfied with its quality).
I can't help but feel somewhat insecure about my presence here. How is this usage of MSE perceived by the rest of the community?