Recently, I'm interested in a certain mathematical problem which amounts to solving a certain family of PDE's in different kinds of domains. For most domains, no closed-form expressions are known and people have to resort to numerical methods in order to get a solution. I wanted to get an idea of what numerical methods were the most popular and successful to tackle this problem, but I struggle to find any reasonably recent papers which study the problem from a numerical perspective.
Therefore I want to ask here : would it be fine to ask on the main site for references/papers which study said problem from a numerical/application perspective or would it be considered off-topic ?
Edit : Just to clarify my concern, I am worried that since the references I am looking for would most likely not be mathematics papers per se, but rather engineering, physics or chemistry papers, the question may be seen as not fitting for the site. As far as I can tell looking through the questions tagged reference-request, the references asked by OP are always mathematical in nature.
Thanks for your time.