In a comment to a retagging discussion, Henning brought up an interesting idea.
There are certain "keywords" which, unfortunately, are heavily overloaded in mathematics, and have completely different meanings in different sub-disciplines. The particular one under discussion was "recurrence". Other ones include "normal" and "distribution". In some cases we can qualify the terms (such as our probability-distributions and distribution-theory) and sometimes we avoid them altogether (we don't use "tangent distributions" on this site [yet!] preferring to absorb those under the tags differential-topology and differential-geometry).
It would be nice to have "pseudo-tags" which cannot be applied to questions as real tags, but contains a tag-wiki which points the users to the correct tags to use. An example for a (distributions) pseudo-tag would read
Distributions has multiple meaning in mathematics. If you are asking in the context of probability theory, use (probability-distributions) instead. If you are asking in the context of generalised functions, use (distribution-theory). If you are asking about a bundle of subspaces of the (co)tangent bundle, just (differential-geometry) instead.
But since the excerpts are what the users see when they mouse over, it is more important that they get filled first, and include disambiguation information. $\endgroup$