Our site is growing quite rapidly: currently each day there are
- about 150 new questions asked
- about 250 new answers posted
- about 150 edits made to posts.
Each of the above actions changes the front page. One screen-full (not scrolling down) of questions on the front page has around 10 - 15 questions. And during the day in, say, East Coast Time in the United States, the lifetime of a question on the first screen-full (where it gets the highest exposure) is about 30 minutes, with most questions gone from the front page within 3 hours of its last edit.
Sometimes questions go by so fast that the relevant experts who can answer the questions don't get to see them.
Question: Is it time we asked the StackExchange overlords to turn on for us also the question limits of 6/day and 50/month?
- This shouldn't affect most users, as most people ask far fewer than the proposed limits of questions. It does help, however, prevent the front page being crowded by one or two users and could potentially help with spam (though we don't have much problem in terms of that at the moment).
- For comparison, the question limit control was put into place on StackOverflow, SeverFault, and SuperUser (the "big three" in the Stack family) when they reached steadily over 100 new questions per day. Currently we generate about the same number of new questions per day as ServerFault and SuperUser, while having a much smaller traffic (less than 10% of their visits per day) and smaller demographic (less than 40% of their numbers of users).