The "newest" page on the main site is currently not updating for me. It previously displayed a question about 10 minutes old, which I answered, but after refreshing the newest page the question has disappeared, and the newest question is now 45 minutes old. By going directly to my answer I have confirmed that the question still exists (it has not been deleted). I confirmed in chat that at least one other user is having this problem. Is this universal?
Edit: It seems this is also happening on meta, although right now only this question is affected. Currently on the main site, the last question visible on the newest page is #387332, but a dozen or so new questions have been asked since. At the time of this writing the most recent was #387349.
Edit 2: Both newest pages are now working for me again. At least 22 questions on the main site were affecting, with the bug persisting for at least 90 minutes.