I've included a fix for this issue in the Stack Overflow Unofficial Patch v1.2. It turns out to be very simple — I just need to tell MathJax to re-typeset the titles after they're loaded via AJAX. The code that does this in SOUP is:
hookAjax( /^\/search\/titles\b/, function () {
typeof(MathJax) !== 'undefined' &&
MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, 'question-suggestions']);
} );
where hookAjax()
is a wrapper around $.ajaxSuccess()
that I use to inject code into the SE framework's AJAX handling.
ps. The next version will also include a fix for the related issue on the user profile page pointed out by Karl Kronenfeld in the comments. I missed that comment originally, which is why it's not in v.1.2.0 yet.