I'm the OP of the question on main. This was the formulation of my disagreement.
You could ask on meta. (Where I took a peek.) My tentative answer is no. 1) The community has chosen to place each puzzle in one separate answer (as opposed to listing all puzzles in one answer). 2) The answers are also not opinions, favourites, etc. As such the rep system seems to work fine to encourage great answers. 3) I'm perfectly comfortable "owning" (in the sense described on meta) this question. But, if you still wonder: please ask on meta, not here.
To add further complications, please note that I didn't add the big-list tag. It was added by another user. I had the impression that big-list questions are asking for one answer containing a list that could then be added to by other users. In that case the CW makes a lot more sense. (But then my question should not have been tagged biglist in the first place.)
Also, the question has now been made CW by a moderator. I don't care about my rep, but I do like the idea that people answering my question are given rep and rep-incentive for their answers.
The only thing that I saw that came close to answering the above question on meta alluded to the presumed rep-hunting by the OP of a big-list question or the rep-incentive to ask big-list questions. Well, as I said, I don't care about the rep, but I cannot deny that such rep-incentive might attract apparently unwanted big-list questions.
Edit: On second viewing I also saw an argument that these fun questions attract too much attention away from (answering) regular questions, thus undermining the purpose of the site. That seems reasonable (is it quantifiable?), but I'm not sure if CW would mitigate that much.
So, I agree with the OP that this should be made clear on meta.
Also, I'd like to draw your attention to the demonstrable negative effects of the CW: