I've just done a quick bit of data collection.
I looked at the first 25 most recently posted questions.
Amongst them, they had a total of 242 views; that's an average of 9.7 per question.
Quite amazingly, these 25 questions had amassed a total of three up-votes and zero down-votes. That makes a total of three votes in total, or an average of 0.12 votes per question.
A more alarming figure is that out of the 242 views, there were three votes, i.e. a view-to-vote ratio of 80.7-to-1. In other words, for every 81 people that view a post, only one of them votes.
- Do you agree that this is a rather worrying situation?
- What do you think the causes of this are?
- How might we encourage more interaction?