In accordance with these guidelines, we should be participating in Moderator nomination discussions. Add another answer
to this question for your nomination for a moderator, and then discuss!
You can and should vote on any candidates you feel would make good moderators. If you were nominated, feel free to vote for other candidates, but it is bad form to vote for yourself. If you wish to retract or change a vote, you may need to edit the answer. Just open the edit window and save your changes without doing anything (you may need to add a space). The goal is that the people with the most upvotes represent the community's idea of who would make the best moderators.
Since the community has not been active for very long, and not everyone has come here from MathOverflow, nominees should edit their answers here to provide a brief description. In particular, be sure to mention what times you will be browsing math.stackexchange.
Now that we have some new members in our group: Let's get some nominations for members who were not involved in the private beta.
Candidates that declined nomination:
Edan Maor
Justin L
Tom Stephens