Preamble: In a comment discussion previously attached to this answer, which I copy below, it is proposed that we have a "Review Queue FAQ" to describe how to deal with some of the frequently occurring items that end up in the review queues. I am making this post to get the discussion and writing started. For better organization, I propose dividing the questions into several large categories, and have a CW answer addressing each of the categories.
Please feel free to edit and reorganize!
The Comment Discussion:
OK. So I am a reviewer in LQ queue and I see something bad: one sentence posed as an answer, which claims that the question is from an ongoing contest. My options are: Looks OK, Edit, Delete, and Skip. (No "flag" in that review.) What do I do? // As for there being fewer such answers -- I don't think so, since they are left by total outsiders, unregistered 1-rep users who can't flag and definitely do not read meta. – Thursday 18 hours ago edit
@Thursday: Vote to delete (option: should be a comment on the original post), or skip. If you feel like it flag the original question. If you want this guideline in FAQ form, I suggest that we can begin to compile a "Review Queue FAQ", where it would be more relevant (in my opinion). – Willie Wong♦ 18 hours ago
Good idea. We have something toward that in What is “very low quality”? and Answers of the form “I don't have enough reputation to comment, but”. In my answer to the second of these questions I disagree with the suggestion you just made: I think leaving the templated comment "this does not answer the question..." (which comes automatically with that option) is not appropriate in such cases. – Thursday 18 hours ago
General Questions
- What is the review queue? Who gets to do reviews?
- What review queues are there? What are they for?
- What are review audits? What happens if I fail them?
- What happens to people who abuse the review queues?
What to do if I...
- ... see an answer of the form "I don have enough reputation to comment, but..."?
- ... see an answer of the form "This question is from the on-going contest X"?