On a very regular basis we see new users that are not accustomed with the use of MathJaX on MSE. Sometimes even some users that aren't that new to the site. Most of us, when this happens, kindly bring to this users attention that there is a MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference and give a proper link.
Now this is not a bad habit at all, because you can't expect new users to magically know this. My idea however was that we could promote this a bit more actively.
For instance: a new user is taken by the hand when he/she is taking the tour. Would it not be to this new user's benefit to point out in the tour, that we write our maths in MathJaX. For example place a link to -MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference- or even a link to a -MathJaX tour page- (which would probably have the same structure as the normal tour page). And perhaps even -but this is really going ahead of things- award a badge for reading this page too.
This was a thought of mine that I wanted to share. I would like to know how the community feels about this. Or perhaps someone could make clear why this would not be helpfull.