So, it's been a while since I returned to the MSE quarters, and I've taken up most of my old activities. Among those is the flagging of obsolete comments in the old threads I encounter while browsing unanswered questions.
Some statistics:
- Before my sabbatical, I had a flag acceptance rate well over 90% -- something like 360 helpful versus 30 declined.
- Since my sabbatical, the rate has dropped to about 60%, over about 30 comments.
At first, I assumed it was my flagging being rusty that caused this discrepancy. However, it persists and yesterday, when I checked some examples with robjohn, he confirmed that my flags were wrongfully declined -- and that it shouldn't happen again.
But then today, a similar pattern re-emerged when I flagged some responses to a deleted comment. I wouldn't mind so much if I felt that there was any ambiguity in my flags, but the wrongful declinations are worrying me.
Therefore I am bringing this up in public now: What is going on with these declined flags? How does it happen? Is there anything to be done about them?