Recently, I proceeded to vote to close a question. Because the primary reason to cast this vote was that it contained multiple questions, I considered using the free-form reason.
In doing so, I noticed the recent change in the pre-filled text, from:
This question appears to be off-topic because
I think this question† may be off-topic because
I for one consider this change to be completely superfluous, if not harmful. For, being a comment, it is already manifest that it conveys my opinion because my name is attached to it, so "I think" is unnecessary.
Moreover, the suppression of the word "question" makes the comment very much prone to ambiguity, especially if there exist (many) other comments.†
If both points are dealt with... we end up having changed "appears to be" to "may be".
Am I alone? Should this be reversed?
†: In accordance with this post by Anna Lear, the word "question" has reappeared. This does not invalidate the other point, though. However, the meta.SE thread has now been marked status-completed; given the vote tallies, it may be warranted to start a new one asking for complete reversal.