I like to use an editor to compose my Q&A's in an editor which can enable me to see a preview. I like to do this due to some non-technical reasons such as to avoid the hurry to click the submit button. I also would like to take a print out and read coolly before sending it to math.SE. So I request you to suggest me some editors of this sort.
6$\begingroup$ What's wrong with the existing preview? If it's the slow update (5 second delay) then there is a patch in a prior thread here to enable instanteous update (like on MO). $\endgroup$– Bill DubuqueCommented Apr 21, 2011 at 4:49
$\begingroup$ @jasper : Is it possible to take a print out of what is shown in preview box alone without actually pressing the submit button ? $\endgroup$– Rajesh DCommented Apr 22, 2011 at 12:31
$\begingroup$ There was recently a similar question: MathJax: better way to prepare a Math.StackExchange question? $\endgroup$– Martin SleziakCommented Aug 11, 2012 at 12:48
$\begingroup$ @MartinSleziak, I tried adding (mathjax) tag but it synonymizes to (tex). $\endgroup$– zyxCommented Jul 25, 2013 at 0:48
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I found
which is a freeware TeX and LaTeX editor for Windows.
The trick will be finding an offline tool that supports both Markdown and TeX at the same time.
I would recommend a programmers' editor like TextMate or Vi or EMacs with Markdown and Tex plugins... but those are distinctly ASCII based and wouldn't offer a GUI preview.