As SE search has been improved to be not as "accent/decoration sensitive", it would seem to be currently be more appropriate to use, for example, "Godel" on the site than the more "technically correct" "Goedel" (of course, "Gödel" should win, but this is a bit beside the point in the current discussion).
Because of this, I am thinking that it might be appropriate to reverse a few tag synonyms (some of which, admittedly, I created). Essentially, these are the ones where the master is "technically correct" but doesn't match up with SE's current search capabilities, whereas there are "faults" with the synonym, but the synonym would yield an "equivalent" search term.
For example, note that while searching for "Gödel incompleteness" and "Godel incompleteness" bring up the same results, searching for "Goedel incompleteness" brings up a disjoint set of results (except for posts which use both types). Therefore a hypothetical tag synonym goedel-incompleteness⇒godel-incompleteness* should be preferable over godel-incompleteness⇒goedel-incompleteness, because an "equivalent" search term would appear in question pages.
The following is the list of tag synonyms I propose to reverse:
- mobius-transformation⇒moebius-transformation
- mobius-inversion⇒moebius-inversion
- mobius-band⇒moebius-band
- mobius-function⇒moebius-function
- kahler-manifolds⇒kaehler-manifolds
(I am uncertain if limits-without-lhopital⇒limits-without-lhospital belongs to the same category, and would welcome input on this.)
So, does anyone have any strong opinions on this?
*In case it's not obvious, my notation here is synonym⇒master.
will return the same results because of the synonym (and it doesn't matter which way that synonym points). But searching for"Mobius transformation"
and "Moebius transformation"
will yield drastically different results, and only the former will match up with"Möbius transformation"
. $\endgroup$