When prompted to recommend deletion of a given answer, the following pops up:
This is commentary on another post, not an answer
“This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post.”
I find this very misleading. It seems like the bold phrase is unrelated (or at least poorly related) to its description. Why is this so?
EDIT: Based on some discussion on the comments, I'll further clarify my point:
What is it to be "commentary on another post"? Is the phrase intended to be "This SHOULD be a commentary?". I sincerely don't understand what the bold phrase is telling me. Not only that, but what is this "other post"? And even more, there are answers that do not provide an answer to the question and shouldn't be a commentary whatsoever.
For example, if someone asks to prove that $e_1,...,e_n$ are a basis for $\mathbb{R}^n$, and then someone answers: "This follows from the fact that every vector space has a basis"... this does not provide an answer to the question, is not "asjkadjklzxfjzkxc", and shouldn't be a commentary.