
The old HTML-CSS renderer was configured to allow automatic line breaks in long formulas:

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    MathJax.Hub.Config({"HTML-CSS": [...], linebreaks: { automatic:true }, [...]

However, the new CommonHTML renderer is not configured as such, and so long formulas overflow the width of the post. I guess it's an oversight (that would be rather easy to fix). The MathJaX docs recommends these options for automatic line breaking:

<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
  CommonHTML: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
  "HTML-CSS": { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
         SVG: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } }

(This was previously reported in the MathJaX 2.6 beta thread, but since it seems to be a configuration error on SE's end rather than a bug in MathJaX, I thought it would be best to report it in its own thread.)


1 Answer 1


I've added the options for CommonHTML and SVG. Let us know if anything breaks.

The change will be deployed in rev 2016.1.6.3152.


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