Well, lately, I am noticing a lot of questions that aren't good. Indeed, some of them are of very low-quality all-around. A lot of them though, are from students who are just struggling in math. Now, I don't know what is accounting for the increase--it seems worse now than it did in the middle of 2020 when everyone was out of school for COVID. But pivoting away from whether MSE's questions have gone down [I answer yes] to what can be done [I hope that is alright with you], I do think things could be done better on a site-wide level.
1. What is MSE exactly? What does this site want to be? Is it primarily a site for experts to bounce ideas off other experts, where the end result is a repository of interesting questions and well-written answers. Or are we also an online math tutoring site where we help anyone as long as they seem to be trying. I'm not so sure we are clear which it is what we are. Those things also do contradict each other often I think. If we tend to the latter a lot, there are going to end up being in the repository a lot of banal questions and an associated long thread of comments to try to help the struggling student who wrote the question. Most of these are really only of interest to the person who asked the question. That's not to say that we can decide here that we are all for the former--high quality questions asked and answered by experts--and that will be that. A lot of people here are going to insist on helping the struggling students here instead of turning them away. Which brings me to my 2nd point...
2. What if we were to lower the threshold for a question to be closed, from 5 votes to 3 [while putting deletion at say 3+6--6 votes to close after deletion-- or 3+7]? And once a question is closed, commenting and voting is shut off too This seems like it would benefit everyone. A lot of the time, when a bad question gets asked, a few things seem to happen before the 5 votes to close acrue: a) The question gets slammed with downvotes. b) It gets answered in the comments anyway, giving the person asking just what they wanted, and giving incentive for more low-quality questions on MSE. c) A person or two comes along and sees the new user getting -4,-5,-6 votes and decides to give the question a "pity" upvote, so the result is a net positive in reputation. It's all like churn in the water for the sharks, and it really isn't good for anyone. Cutting the time that a bad question is left open would really benefit both sides.
And even if you are in favor of MSE being a math-tutoring site, this will still be a disincentive to the really low-quality questions from users who just want their homework question answered by someone else.
Anyways this is my take....