There is something of a canonical thread Main chatroom etiquette rules about proper use of a chatroom, although a narrow reading might apply it only to the "main" Mathematics chatroom.
It doesn't seem to be part of our tradition to add or discuss chat etiquette on that Question, so I'm posting a new one for discussion.
Today I found myself invited to a chatroom by user "M" (not the real handle), and the topic turned out to be a typical undergrad math major (possibly beginning grad level) exercise.
After supplying several (increasingly forceful) hints in response to a reasonable "first effort" on their part to solve the exercise, I discovered the same user had invited three or four other community members to similar one-on-one chats. This also raises the issue of whether the matter should have been directly posted as a Question by user "M", who has been around for a couple of years.
Of course no one holds a gun to my head to force me to be helpful, but at a minimum I'd expect the parallel invitations to be disclosed. Arguably it is more in our community spirit to have just one such chat for all the invited participants (to efficiently use the attention of the community).
My main question is whether the rules for chatrooms generally (not just the "main" chatroom) should be drafted in enough detail to educate chat users about basic etiquette, taking the points raised in this case as motivation. Possibly this could be drafted as an Answer/addendum to the older thread linked above, to keep things in a combined location.