Probably a few of us have been in a situation like this.
I have placed a bounty on some question in hope to get an answer (or a better answer or a specific type of answer, for example, combinatorial proof instead of inductive argument). I did not get an answer I wanted. If there was some answer at all, maybe I awarded the bounty to the closest match, but I still would like to see an answer fulfilling my original requirements. What can I do next?
- One possibility is adding new bounties on the same question repeatedly. This is probably not very efficient and I could exhaust non-negligible part of my reputation after a few iterations. (This would be difficult especially for low rep users.)
- I could mention (in a comment or - if it is my question - directly in a question), that if somebody posts an answer fulfilling some criteria, I will award such answer with a bounty. A clear disadvantage of this is that this will not be very prominently visible.
Would creating a list of such bounties be potentially useful. I would imagine each entry to contain description of the question and what the user offering the potential bounty looks for. And the entry would be considered as a commitment to award a bounty if the answer they are satisfied with is posted.
And if something like that could be useful, what would be the best way to implement it? Would it be a dedicated meta post? (I am afraid it might get too long.) Would perhaps a dedicated chat room be more suitable?
To prevent misuse of the list, maybe some rules would be needed? Probably only person who already gave at least one bounty on that question should post there? And maybe there could be some age limit - say questions as least one or two months old?
I should mention that it is possible to see the list of all past bounties. In theory, all of them should be on this site's twitter account. (Although it probably does not work perfectly.) But probably better and much more customizable way is to use data explorer.
One example of SEDE query listing all past bounties is given in this answer. Here is direct link to the query. Another similar query is Unanswered questions on which a bounty was once set. And here is the same query with possibility to limit the date range where the bounty has been offered. Probably there exist some other similar queries and surely these query can be modified in various ways - for example, to show only questions where bounty was not awarded to any answer. (But this is only a very rough approximation of the list suggested above. The advantage I see in collecting list of bounties manually as opposed to a data explorer query is the fact that by posting link to the question somebody declares that they are still interested in the question. It is very likely that many past featured questions have been "abandoned" and neither the OP nor the user who offered the bounty are interested in them any longer.)
I should mention that this questions is to some extent inspired by Is bounties period sufficient? on MathOverflow. There was also an older discussion on this meta which is somewhat related: Could it be a good idea to create a Room in the Chat dedicated to Call of Proposals for Bounties? (now deleted). But it is not exactly the same suggestion.