What is the recommended procedure when self-migrating a question from this site to another StackExchange site? On the present site, the question at issue has stirred little interest: one upvote, one downvote, one comment (of debatable relevance), and no answer, after 20 days. Now, on MathOverflow, it already received three upvotes and two good answers within half an hour. Clearly, the question is more suited to MO.
To "migrate" the question, I simply did a copy-and-paste. But I have since discovered that there is an "official" method, involving moderators in ponderous proceedings of uncertain outcome and duration.
Is the DIY method disapproved of? Should I now delete the question here? Should I have deleted it before asking it elsewhere? My own view on the second query is that the question isn't doing much harm at the moment, and there is still a small chance that it will get an "elementary" answer, which would be welcome; but I will probably delete it if it gets no further response (or only negative response) within a reasonable time frame.
As for the MO perspective, I think that they are well able to decide for themselves what questions are suitable for their site; unwanted postings there are soon shown the door.