[Edit: to explain some things that were not so clear in the original post]
I believe in being straightforward. Without linking to the specific question, people will just treat this as another vague gripe with nothing to discuss. But to talk about the specific issues with a specific post is equivalent to pointing out the specific authors of those posts too. I give credit where it is due; I've commended and upvoted some other answers by the author in question, yet many people have judged me solely based on my blunt criticism of this answer of his/hers. Past interactions showed that this user generally refuses to admit any serious conceptual error, and this is nowhere near the first time. So please be fair if you wish to judge my statements and actions.
Secondly, someone has taken the initiative to edit the objectively incorrect post to fix the error. As I mentioned in the comments, I thought this was not according to the SE rules, which is why I did not do it myself even though I really really wanted to. If the community thinks this is the way to go I have no problems with doing it quietly without making a fuss. It would also in my opinion be a viable solution to the whole issue of 'undeserved' upvotes.
Thirdly, someone felt that I was claiming access to some kind of (absolute?) truth. No I don't. But correct mathematics with respect to modern standards is not subjective. A correct statement is one that is provable in the chosen foundations (usually assumed to be ZFC), and a correct proof is a valid sequence of deductions in that chosen system (in practice at least a description that logicians can easily see is translatable into the foundational system). That is very much objective enough to any modern logician, and that is what I mean by "correct". For example, "$1+1 = 3$" is incorrect; anyone who disagrees should provide precise descriptions of their non-mainstream foundations or notations rather than claiming it is correct from a certain point of view or saying that someone highly qualified said it.
(I'm lenient with missing assumptions or logical gaps if and only if the expected audience is estimated to be largely capable of filling them in correctly. But the two posts I am mainly referring to here are simply false and there is nothing for me to be lenient about. I talk about this only because it's relevant to another post mentioned at the end.)
Fourthly, if this feels like a complaint, it is. Sorry if it offends anyone but I want to see Math SE remain a reliable repository of mathematics, and this is what I right now feel is a necessary topic of discussion to help to achieve that outcome.
[Original post]
The two top-voted answers to this question are of such poor quality and I don't understand why none of the many upvoters have noticed. The answer by David essentially states that we use the square-root in RMS speed simply because it gives the correct units for velocity, which is not even true strictly speaking because the final quantity is not any kind of velocity at all. The answer by Yves Daoust is worse, affirming the false claim in the question that the average speed is zero. He/she even claims that his/her answer is at the level of the OP, but the falsehood is not defensible. Why does it seem like most Math SE users are carelessly upvoting answers without reading carefully?
More pertinently, what can be done about it? Downvoting as per this meta-post clearly fails, and review queues almost always fail (The Not-An-Answer flag is specifically for posts that do not even seem to address the question, and the Low-Quality flag is nearly always rejected for posts that are long). Also, these wrong answers are not as bad as fake answers, but it seems we cannot even agree on flagging to get rid of fake answers.
Note: There are even 4 completely nonsensical answers at the bottom, 2 of which are deleted. One talks about exams, as if that has anything to do with valid mathematics! It also makes the rubbish claim that $x = y$ iff $\sqrt{x} = \sqrt{y}$. Another one says that RMS "rectifies" negative to become positive, which cannot even be made sense of. I'll leave you to peruse the other 2 yourself. But these do not appear to be a problem probably because they came late and do not gather upvotes fast enough.