It appears that you had a couple accounts merged very recently, on 2017-03-25 at 07:23:40Z to be precise, which is less than an hour ago as I am typing this. It appears that the account that got merged into the current one had about 11K rep, and before the merge this account had about 2800 rep. In particular, I bet that prior to the merge this account didn't have any tag badges.
Unlike other badges, tag badges are awarded (and retracted) by a daily script that runs at about 03:00Z which calculates your tag scores. If you are eligible for a new tag badge, it is awarded; if you no longer meet the requirements of a tag badge, it is retracted. (See Meta Stack Exchange: What are tag badges? How do they work?)
When profiles are merged, the tag scores are apparently not re-calculated, and because prior to the merge this account didn't have these tag badges, it continues to not have them. (If the merge went in the other direction, then the tag badges should have been retained.) But when the script next runs, your tag scores should be corrected and any tag badges "lost" should be returned. If this doesn't happen, then you should be more concerned.