A few times I have been told to not to turn the titles to Latex only as that stops them from being indexed by search engines.
I see two problems with that :
1.What seems natural humans behaviour needs to be modified in order to accommodate machines. a latex of an integral is far more descriptive. e.g. compare $\int \ln \sin x dx$ and "integral involving trigonometric function and logarithm function"
2.It does not address the fundamental problem to be fixed, which is making latex available as search means, there seems to be no equivalent of being able to have an indexed/ordered dictionary for mathematics for example how to search for material on $\int \ln \sin x dx$ , $\int \sin \ln x dx$ , $\frac{d}{dx} \sin \ln x$ etc.
if Not having pure Latex as titles is important then it there should be an inbuilt feature to stop it (similar to having over 200 characters in title), or provide progressive means rather than by implicit understanding and convention means of prohibition. Title within the page does not need to be what is being indexed by the search engines, there are other ways of providing meta tags etc.