I have a concern about how Maple related questions are currently handled on the site. Usual scenario is: someone asks question about how to do something in Maple, the question is then downvoted and closed as an off-topic. Then people are confused, because they used the Maple tag after all.
Now I understand these questions are usually more programming related than mathematics. But, if we want them to post on another site, why don't we suggest migration? Sseems to me that Computational Science could be a good fit. There was also a Proposed SE site for Maple , but it was rejected.
Also, what do we have the Maple tag for? If questions about "how to do certain stuff in Maple" are out of scope, then only remaining thing is purely mathematics questions, for which you wouldn't use the Maple tag anyway.
So in a summary, I have actually 2 concerns, 1) what is proper handling of Maple related questions that community should follow (migrate?, where? close?), and 2) is there still any use for the Maple tag? If not, shouldn't we remove that? If yes, what is the use? Maybe it had it's historical use when there were not dedicated sites, but how about these days?
By the way, there is somehow related 5 years old question Flagging for migration to Mathematica.SE and Computational Science.SE . As argued there, the frequency of actual migration is important to decide that a site should be added into the list for migration. This does not seem to be a good metric if you ask me, since the frequency might be low because the site is not in the list for migration, and can be only done by moderator. Anyway this may be a separate topic...