I am giving a lecture in a mathematical subject and in the exercise it turned out that many students had a big problem solving one particular homework. Since the calculation is longer and we have limited time in the exercise/lecture, I replied that I will send an E-mail with the solution to everyone. Then it occurred to me:
Why not ask the question on Math.SE, answer it myself and share the link?
My thoughts:
- Answering my own questions is okay (and even very welcome, as it is formulated in the help center).
- For me it is much more convenient to write a short question/answer here with the embedded $\LaTeX$ instead of setting up a new document in a hopefully organized file structure and providing it to every student for which I have to create and maintain a mailing list.
- A question/answer on Math.SE will provide an easy accessible and well-organized source which I can use every semester.
- It might help students other than my own.
- Other answerers might be able to explain it better than I do.
Yes, I know that with this I make the solution to my homework "googleable". But I have no problem with this as I can change the problem formulation from time to time. Also my answer will contain an explanation instead of a copyable text.
- Do you think it is okay to use Math.SE for this purpose?
- Have you made experience with this idea?
- Should I mention in the question that it was asked with this purpose in mind?
Further context
The current question is about how to define the control points of a general cubic B-spline in order to automatically ensure $C^2$-continuity. This means the question is quite informative and not completely specialized for only one specific example. I want to answer this in full generality.