What needs to get done around here? Are we putting our farmers to good use?
Let's say I was of the mind to spend some time doing mindless hygiene on our site: what would be a good use of my time? Would it be helpful for me to go through and link vocabulary words? There are a plethora of examples where the expression Lerch Transcendent appears without a link. The standard for our community must be something like: If it would benefit you to have a link then it's worth it for you to spend 30 seconds adding the link for the next guy/gal. The $+2$s aren't a huge reward but having a nice site where things are well connected is benefit enough.
What other things should we be promoting for our farmers to be up to when they are procrastinating their real life on M.S.E? Good answers to this question should be cognizant of varying mathematical and technological capabilities. I can add a link here or there. I cannot edit in-depth answers in some mathematics I am not familiar with.