
When reviewing post edits you have the option to Improve Edit as well as Reject and Edit.

These options are no longer available when a tag-wiki edit shows up in the queue (there have been quite a few recently). The reason for that is a mystery to me. I have been missing these options a couple of times.

As a way around so far, the only option to emulate the above seems to be either Approve or Reject (respectively) and then go and look for the tag to actually make relevant improvements.

Do we consider that someone making a tag edit is either spamming or careful enough to produce a perfect result? Or is that a bug?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


A user gets privilege to edit tag-info (without having to go through review) only at 20k reputation points. It seems logical that only users with edit privileges get possibility to "improve edit" or "reject and edit". Here is a screenshot to show that at higher reputation these options are indeed offered:


See also related posts on Meta Stack Exchange: Improve button in tag edition review and If I can't improve a tag wiki edit, don't show me the button.


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