Looking at my title, this sounds outrageous! But here's what I mean.
- A question is asked that I'm interested in.
- It seems from comments that others are interested too.
- It's asked vaguely, with no context, and nothing to indicate what would constitute a meaningful answer.
- It is therefore almost immediately put on hold as too broad.
- I suggest in a comment how it might be made more specific.
- There's no sign of the questioner's return.
I can't really edit the question, because the edit would be at least 75% new material, homing in on aspects not mentioned in the current version.
So, what's the best course of action? At the moment I'm thinking I should wait until the question is closed (in case the questioner returns and improves it), then ask my own version as a new question.
Does this seem reasonable?
The question is Relation between $\pi$ and $e$ - Coincidence or not coincidence?
My version would ask whether any explanation is known for the coincidence, and give one or two examples of what would constitute a reason (eg a consequence of some relationship between series for calculating the two numbers could count as one).
Note: I'm asking primarily about what to do in general with this sort of situation—the linked question is just the most immediate example of it. I included that because I was asked to. Thoughts on it are helpful, but the real issue is what to do next time I want to ask a better version of someone else's on-hold or closed question.