According to answering one's own questions is encouraged.
I've found an old question that I'd like to answer, on a subject I've investigated in the past.
But an answer will depend on two theorems I've not seen proved anywhere else (meaning I can't link to them). At least one of their proofs is quite long and needs several lemmas.
So I'm wondering about posting the theorems separately as "prove that . . . " questions, along with my proofs as answers, then linking to them when I answer the main question. My thought is that as well as de-cluttering the answer, it would help people who are interested just in the theorems to find them, and allow people with better proofs to post them.
Would this be considered an appropriate way to proceed in this kind of situation? An alternative would be to post the proofs on my blog and link to that, but I think really they belong here. On the other hand it seems slightly odd to post a question simply in order to post a proof.
It's an etiquette question, really. Is putting theorems in self-answered questions then linking to them an accepted way to behave?
Edit: the two theorems are self-contained things that I think people do want to know—one is an often stated fact about the game of Freecell, and the other states a situation in which the game is automatically won.