Disclaimer: I hadn't seen your question before following the link in this meta question. I'm basing this answer on the first revision of the question.
The title is the title, not the first sentence of the body. The question appeared to start (and still does) with a parenthentical sentence which is lacking context, and that's a bad first impression.
This is followed almost immediately by an example:
For example, the set of even numbers is the class of integers divisible by $2$.
This is not phrased with the caution I would expect from someone who understands the distinction between sets and classes.
What is important is that the proof relied heavily on exploiting a loophole in the definitions of 'function' and 'class' in a way that I felt should be disallowed ... the premise is this:
If $f$ is a mapping ...
Again, this looks like sloppy use of language (or use of a non-standard definition of function without including it for context).
If $f$ is a mapping from an infinite class $X$ to an infinite class $Y$, such that for all elements $x\in X$ and $y\in Y$ no computation can be performed to determine $f(x)=y$, then it is impossible to prove the statement "$f$ is a bijection from $X$ to $Y$" false.
That's a false premise: it seems to assume that all proofs are constructive. I could define $f$ in such a way that its codomain is a single element which can't be computed. Or I could take your function $f$ and lift it to a function $f' : X \to \mathbb{N} \times Y$ as $f'(x) = (1, f(x))$.
I haven't even got to the question yet, and already I have a strong impression that (a) it's going to be unanswerable because it's built on invalid foundations; (b) insufficient effort has been given to communicating clearly.
When I get to what I take to be the actual question:
If we have an infinite class $Q$ whose elements are truly arbitrary, then there is no way to determine $q\in Q$ for all $q$, right?
I find that it's unanswerable for a different reason. What does truly arbitrary mean? (This has been improved slightly in the current question, although I still don't think the definition given is precise). What is the scope of that "all"?
To be honest, I'm surprised that the question wasn't closed as "Unclear what you're asking".
So on the flip side, how to do better next time.
Write the title last. Not only does that prevent you from treating it as context for the opening paragraph, but it means that when you write it you're at the end of the process of thinking about the best way to express your question succinctly, so the conditions are more favourable for a good title.
Use language precisely. That's more important in some subfields than others, but naïve set theory and logic do not handle sloppy language well. Pay particular attention to quantifier scope, and rewrite sentences or even use $\forall x: (Y)$ notation if necessary.
Define any terms which might be ambiguous. (And even when they're not ambiguous, sometimes writing out the definition of the key term is enough for the "Aha!" moment).
Get to the point. If the background is useful but long, it might be best to put the question first and then fill in the background.