This question of mine is currently sitting at a score of -2, but no one left any comments on how it can be improved. I wonder if some others could weigh in with any suggestions for how the question could be improved for the site.
I have noticed that a lot of people are very sick of questions about the overly popular (after some youtube video) and poorly understood claim that $1+2+3+\dotsb = -\frac{1}{12},$ and will downvote any mention of that equation, which my question does reference.
Could that be the cause of my downvotes? If so I don’t think that’s very fair. But some of the submitted comments seem to have nothing to do with the question, and just reference other threads about that equation. Which would support that hypothesis.
My question is really about understanding (apparently) alternate definitions of Ramanujan summation, I don't care about that particular equation.
Would it be better if I had not mentioned that sum? Should I repost it with just mentions of the Riemann zeta function, instead of the questionable series $1+2+3+\dotsb$?
Thanks in advance