I am looking through unanswered questions (specifically in combinatorics, but this is irrelevant) and I want to ask advice on how to proceed.
Apart from questions that I can simply answer or where I can upvote a correct answer that got no votes at all, I found the following type of questions:
Hard questions
Obviously, some of the hard questions are interesting questions that should just wait around, but many of them are of the type "anyone can construct a diophantine equation that is impossible to solve" (and no one wants to answer that there is no nice way to solve them because you never can know). Should anything be done about them?
I want to note that especially in combinatorics there are many elementary-looking questions that even get lots of upvotes for "looking nice" where I am rapidly convinced that there is no nice elementary answer, but proving it would be next to impossible.
Vague questions
There are questions that might have been interesting questions, but it was too hard to determine the intentions of the OP and after several months, the OP will certainly not return to clarify and no one will be able to answer this kind of question or profit from it. It cannot be closed by several votes after several months, either, because there is no activity.
Should I flag it for closing by the mods? For deletion?
I am not talking about borderline cases here, but about questions where I genuinely think that they will benefit no one. Also, no reputation is involved, as, by definition I am looking at questions without upvoted answers and the clear-cut cases I am talking about have at most 0 votes.
Questions that have actually been answered in the comments and float around as unanswered questions because no one wrote an answer.
Very annoying, and there is nothing I can do about this alone, as I cannot move a comment to an answer and upvote it.
Why am I opening this thread? I think that this forum would benefit from having primarily precise and answerable questions in the unanswered questions section to improve the chance of newcomers to answer interesting unanswered questions.
Edited to add a concrete example: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/31330/do-you-have-some-interesting-q-hypergeometric-identities
This questions asks about "interesting q-hypergeometric identities" which is not a well-crafted question at all. In addition, the author offers people email contact. I don't see any possibility for this question to have a good answer, and there is no point for me to give it a lonely close vote at this time.
So, should I flag it? Add a close vote and post a link in a new meta thread "please help me to close the following questions or give a good reason against closure"?
I can think of no reason to let this type of questions open, but I am of course open to any reason I have overlooked. (And I, in fact, do know interesting q-hypergeometric identites, that is, interesting to me, in a certain context.)