Why does the "Hot" tab have not "Hot" questions?
Mathematics SE has its Top Questions laid out on its home page. On the top right we have 5 buttons to sort: Interesting (Default), Bountied, Hot, Week, Month.
From what I've figured out, interesting applies to most questions, bountied applies to questions that are, well, bountied, hot applies to good and popular questions, week applies to questions with the most views in a week, etc.
I took a visit to the Hot tab a today and was greeted by the following:
If you haven't already spotted it, here's my concern:
(1) Of the 48 Questions on the Hot tab, only 22 have a score of 1 or more.
Why do I care? Well, if there's anything my advanced calculus class taught me, it's that 22/48 is less than 50% :) - that is, over 50% of the questions on the hot tab have a score of 0 or lower (in fact the first 7 questions (which are the first to appear when you click the tab) are all 0 or lower, as shown in my screenshot.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see why MSE should classify questions with scores of 0 or under as "Hot", much less 50% of the category. Considering the fact that scores of less than -1 are usually reserved for spam, having a question with a score of -2 as the first question on the hot tab doesn't seem right.
(2) If the "Hot" category is sorted based on the number of views it has (which I feel is the reasoning behind the "Week" and "Month" categories, then why are some of the questions in there possessing less than 15 views?
For reference, from my personal experience, that's about the amount of views my questions have seem to have gotten in the first 10 minutes of going up; not exactly "hot", if I do say so myself.
Maybe I've simply come on a bad day, maybe it isn't usually like this. But is there some improvement that can be made?