Recently, there has been a crack down on enforcing quality standards for both people asking questions and those answering them. The idea (I think) has been to reduce the rather significant influx of low-quality PSQs (usually HW problems) appearing on the site. But I see that this may have just shifted the field goal: now, many problems are appearing where the OP seems to present just enough of an attempt to not be labeled a PSQ (for example, presenting some trivial first step as their attempt but still not really showing any honest effort).
Many times this works, and the OP is given one or several hints and sometimes an answer. Is this creating a perverse incentive where people do just enough to get hints and answers to their HW problems? Should the EoQS movement also address how we should handle giving hints?
Edit I was asked to include these acronyms:
OP= Original Poster
PSQ = Problem Statement Question
HW = Homework
EoQS = Enforcement of Quality Standards