You can see that the most upvoted question in the main Math Stack Exchange site also has many upvoted comments with one even having over 200 comment upvotes. So then what is the most upvoted comment in MSE? How about in any of the Stack Exchange sites, including both main and meta? Here are the color tiers based on the number of votes turning from a grey to orange:
Gray=1 to 4 upvotes:
Brown=5 to around 14 upvotes:
Orange=15 to around 30 upvotes
Light Orange=31+ upvotes:
Perhaps there exists a special comment with 400+ upvotes somewhere in MSE or in any of the forums, also including the metas? It may be possible a new color is unlocked when there are more than 300 votes? I have never seen a question similar to this one on any other site and I would really love to know. I also believe that others are curious too. I may have made the wrong guesses for the comment vote colors, so please correct me and give me feedback!
As you may have guessed, Stack Overflow has the most upvoted comment as of writing this post is a supernova comment currently with 1629 votes. It has this comic link. This is the source. Perhaps there is a more popular comment in another Stack Exchange/ Overflow site?: