In the help about "on-topic" it reads: Understanding mathematical concepts and theorems. However, this question: Why is a curve that intersects itself not a manifold? was closed as "off-topic", without further clarification. This is a form of hostility toward people who are honestly trying to understand a mathematical idea. The lack of clarity in the criteria applied here (and in other parts of SE) discourages those who care about quality to ask new questions in this site, and likely elsewhere (think about that). Why is it valid to post a question regarding Division by zero and "off-topic" to ask about self-intersecting curves? Regarding the invitation to "improve" the question, shouldn't the closevoters be the ones who need to improve instead?
I've been asked whether this question is a duplicate. It is not, for the simple reason that I'm not asking how to reopen a specific question. The comments below, the down- and close-votes I'm receiving and the lack of a proper answer (so far), indicate a strongly defensive attitude toward the rules of the SE game and how they are twisted to support polite aggression. Sadly, my conclusion in the title above remains.