This my answer seems to be absolutely relevant to the question:
This looks like some personal attack.
The answer is below. If it is undeleted I would like to expand it considerably to include other examples.
Example of 3D numbers.
Take $\mathbb{R}^3$ with Hadamard product. In other words, triplets of numbers with element-wise multiplication.
Now assign $(1,1,1)=1,(-1,1,1)=j, (1,1,-1)=k$.
A number would be written in the form $a+bj+ck$. Algebraically it will be a commutative ring with zero divisors (hence, not a field, but that's OK). For instance $(j-1)(k-1)=0$.
Here is a Mathematica code to experiment with:
Unprotect[Power]; Power[0, 0] = 1; Protect[Power];
$Pre = (# /. {j -> {-1, 1, 1}, k -> {1, 1, -1}}) /. {x_, y_, z_} ->
x/2 + z/2 + (j (y - x))/2 + (k (y - z))/2 &;
Using this code you can see that
$\log (j+k+1)=\frac{1}{2} j \log (3)+\frac{1}{2} k \log (3)$
A division formula would be: $\frac{a_1+b_1 j+c_1 k}{a_2+b_2 j+c_2 k}=\frac{j}{2} \left(\frac{a_1+b_1+c_1}{a_2+b_2+c_2}-\frac{a_1-b_1+c_1}{a_2-b_2+c_2}\right)+\frac{k}{2} \left(\frac{a_1+b_1+c_1}{a_2+b_2+c_2}-\frac{a_1+b_1-c_1}{a_2+b_2-c_2}\right)+\frac{a_1+b_1-c_1}{2 \left(a_2+b_2-c_2\right)}+\frac{a_1-b_1+c_1}{2 \left(a_2-b_2+c_2\right)}$
If you add a complex unity $i$, you will get a 6-dimensional number system.
Particularly, you will see that
$j^i=\frac{1}{2} \left(1-(-1)^i\right) j+\frac{(-1)^i}{2}+\frac{1}{2}$
$\log (j k)=i \pi-\frac{i \pi j}{2}-\frac{i \pi k}{2}$
$\sqrt{j}=\left(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{i}{2}\right) j+\left(\frac{1}{2}+\frac{i}{2}\right)$