$\require{enclose}$ Almost every question about $\mathcal{MathJax}$ gets marked as a duplicate of the, now canonical, $\text{ } \mathcal{MathJax} \text{ Tutorial}$
I often ask simple questions about $\mathcal{MathJax}$, and my question is automatically marked as a duplicate of the more than 80-page-long $\text{ } \mathcal{MathJax} \text{ tutorial}$
When people ask how do do one simple thing (e.g. how to strike-out text in $\mathcal{MathJax}$), those people do not generally want to read a more than 80-page long guide; only one one paragraph of which is about the topic of interest.
If 200 characters suffice to answer my question, why would you ask me to read the $\mathcal{MathJax}$ guide, which is over $100\text{,}000$ characters in length?
If you do not feel like answering my question, you don't have to. Move on to a question you do feel like answering. Leave my question alone. Someone else will tell me how use $\mathcal{MathJax}$ to write striken out text like $\enclose{horizontalstrike}{this}$.