An option is to use an array environment with all the columns centered and odd/even numbered columns empty on alternate rows. If you do this, there will be several ampersands :-). Also, to make the spacing perfect you need to make sure that all the columns will have the same width. You can use well placed \hphantom{99}
entries on unoccupied slots in the table to make this happen (once per column suffices).
I could not make this trick from TeX.StackExchange work here (undoubtedly it works in LaTeX). May be MathJax does not support \settowidth
in the array preamble, or I just couldn't figure it out.
My MathJax source below. I have horizontal phantoms on the first four and the last four columns. If you add enough rows to get triple digit entries, then you need more phantoms.
Not sure you want to go to this much trouble :-)