I hardly ever visit Meta so forgive me if this has been addressed already. I just wanted to flag an issue:
The user Statistics Tutorial is a bot. So far I have deleted, along with other community members, two of its answers for being blatant GPT word-soup but it is persistent. At the time of writing it even has an accepted answer. Maybe this answer is fine, maybe it isn't - I haven't read it carefully. But people seem to be upvoting it (every post of its that I've seen has at least one upvote) unaware that it is a bot and of course this is a problem, since it has absolutely no understanding of what it is saying.
On the whole, the site would benefit from having this bot gone. At best, it posts the occasional reasonable elementary answer. At worst, it continues to write word soup that fools the less expert reader and misinform people. For example, it attempted to answer my question by unashamedly copying everything I'd already said and representing this information in bullet point form. Whether this is a real problem or just annoying is up to you. I have also seen at least one instance of an established user (with over $6000$ reputation and $9$ years experience) posting blatant bot posts.
My question is - what can we do to counter this? I can flag all of its answers, but there seems to be no obvious way to flag an entire user.
Of course, there is a risk of a witch-hunt, with bot accusations flying and accounts being unfairly penalised. So if there ever is such a feature, it should be restricted to high reputation users (in my opinion) and be subject to some kind of community review.
Inspecting their SO account, I think it is more likely this user is human but just testing out bot capabilities on MSE for a laugh. Either way, I find that problematic.