There should be a new EOQS rule
My chances of becoming a Moderator are slim. Shaun is the most popular elected Moderator among MSE community members .
My main concern is about new users . There are lots of downvotes for new user posts, which makes new users feel discouraged. Also, many users downvote rather than provide a hint/reference inadvertently or intentionally. In my opinion, MSE should welcome new users as guests, treat them with respect, and encourage them so that more users will be motivated to contribute.
Moreover, why am I talking about downvote.? The reason is, if a new user gets many downvotes, their account will automatically be suspended for 3-4 months without the moderator's intervention. In this case, they will move to another math forum.
It would be better if the Moderator made a new EOQS rule. New rule should state
There should be no downvotes for new users, even if they get downvotes, moderators or other users should upvote so that the account will not be suspended.
Maths stack exchange will lose many new users if this policy is not applied
As Rome wasn't built in a day, new users should have time to correct their mistakes, improve their posts, and learn about MSE policies.