There are 3 interrelated things I want to list here and then ask a question:
It seems like (and there may be an official document that I am not aware of, to be transparent) downvote in meta is not the same as in the main site. The most common answer I have gathered from looking at older discussions is that a downvote on meta is a short-hand for disagreement (as opposed to poorly worded, no context, no attempt questions on the main site). I have no problems with this, as it is just a convention.
There is no force on any member to answer a question on meta, whether they agree with the post (and in turn no compulsion to upvote something they agree with) or disagree with the post (most likely resulting in downvotes). I am somewhat ok with this policy in isolation.
Community Bot deletes posts with no answers and some number of downvotes after some amount of wait time. I know and have read through the full list of criteria, but for the point I am making, this crude summary is sufficient. This is where points #1 and #2 above start to conflict. This auto deletion policy is very much in the spirit of the main site, where downvotes mean something else.
Given that mechanism #3 isn't doesn't differentiate the downvote convention between MSE and meta.MSE, what can be done about #1 and #2?
My thoughts: Influence the community to consider changing the convention of the alternate meaning of downvotes here (to be more along the lines of the definition on the main site) OR at least encourage users to post answers, even if brief, so that Bot doesn't delete posts so quickly. Influence/encouragement doesn't have the same effect as an official policy or automating mechanism to enforce certain steps, but it is better than nothing.