Currently, this question has over $10,000$ views. It is a famous question. I think Gold badge should appear on my profile page.
1$\begingroup$ Congratulations Jasmine. Your question now does have actually 10000 views. I still don't see an additional gold badge. Maybe someone will point out that the real algorithm behind this (maybe it needs one more view or perhaps there is a a time lag). Either way, your question was of interest to lots of people, which is what matters. $\endgroup$– SriniCommented Aug 21 at 19:24
$\begingroup$ Thanks you @Srini $\endgroup$– jasmineCommented Aug 21 at 19:43
2 Answers
If you hover over "10k views" you can see that the question has 9957 views. I suppose that the badge will be awarded after the question reaches 10000 views.
You can see the questions with certain number of views using views operator in search.
Here is a SEDE query which can be used to display your most viewed questions. (Keep in mind that SEDE is updated only once a week.)
$\begingroup$ why does it show $10$ k views instead of $9957?$ $\endgroup$– jasmineCommented Aug 21 at 3:33
8$\begingroup$ @jasmine You can check some of the older posts around this topic, such as: Does "k" really mean 1000? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 21 at 3:57
5$\begingroup$ Is shows $10$K when rounded to $2$ significant figures. $\endgroup$– GEdgarCommented Aug 21 at 14:49
Jasmine, in case you are wondering why you still haven't got the badge (which was the case when I checked a bit earlier) despite having 10000 views now, see the explanation here.
1$\begingroup$ Actually you got it now. I will keep this answer just in case another user wonders the same in a different situation. $\endgroup$– SriniCommented Aug 21 at 19:33