For roughly six months or so, since around the latest MathJax deployment, the site has been highly unstable using recent Chrome versions (17-22) on Windows 7. I see guaranteed page freezes composing answers of nontrivial length, "Aw Snap" browser crashes, etc. I have lost much work while composing answers due to this serious bug. I cannot recall any other software problem in recent memory that has proved more frustrating. The bug seems to be specific to MSE/MathJax since Chrome is rock-solid on all other sites I visit.
I've been waiting patiently for a fix, but it appears that there is none forthcoming (there has been no official response from SE). Could SE folks please give some indication whether or not resources will be allocated to fix this showstopper bug? Given that Chrome is one of the browsers with highest market share (being generally fastest - as it is on MSE), we may end up losing members if the site does not function stably in Chrome.
Is anyone using Chrome 18 not encountering these problems? If so, perhaps as a community we can troubleshoot the problem and devise workarounds.
Update Thanks to zyx for reminding me in the comments that Eric Naslund reported a similar bug March 1 on MSO. Then we both were using Chrome 17, so the bug isn't specific to Chrome 18.
Similar freezes were reported on MO when MathJax 2 was deployed there (March 22). This seems to confirm my hunch that the problems were introduced by MathJax 2.0.
I have added some answers to poll Chrome usage to help determine if the bug is specific to browser or browser+OS or some more specific context. I suspect that the bug may not be widely reported here since the majority of users here may be using Firefox. However, even if so, Chrome is well on its way to gaining leading market share generally (see stats below), so if the site is broken in Chrome, the majority of users who encounter MSE through web search results may have major problems accessing the site.