Why was this question actually closed? Those who closed it chose not a real question from the admittedly rather limited menu, but in fact the question is perfectly clear:
Let $G$ be a group, and consider $H=\{g\in G:|g|<\infty\}$. Prove that $H$ is a subgroup.
That $|g|$ means the order of $g$ here is obvious, and the notation is certainly not the querent’s invention: I’ve seen it in a number of places.
The fact that the assertion is false does not make the question hard to understand, and indeed a perfectly good answer was given. The fact that the question was phrased as a command, in a manner that some find displeasing, also does not make it hard to understand. So why was it closed?
Added: Here is a direct link to the question. It is possible that the querent miscopied the question, omitting a hypothesis, but it’s by no means certain, even if the question is homework: it could be a mistake on the instructor’s part, or it could be a deliberately misleading question. In any case, allowing a new user only two hours to clear things up seems more than a bit unfriendly.