Moderator's Note: The lock reason below is not entirely accurate: my apologies. I am locking this question because the issues raised is no longer relevant. This is especially since OP's suggestion for solving it has now been implemented system-wide. That said, I think it is important to keep this post around to document the discussion on this topic.
I asked a question $27$ days ago. It gave an example of a question which was closed with no explanation from those who closed it, but from the OPs point of view was a perfectly valid question.
My question was, unfortunately, slightly flawed. It was flawed because in the example I gave the OP was pissed that his question was closed and posted comments and a meta thread to this effect. And so comments were deleted, so we (or rather, we with not enough rep.) do not know the history. Also, no satisfactory answers were proffered.
The question I asked can be found here.
I would like to ask what is essentially an identical question, but with different examples. Examples which are not flawed. So, here we go:
I have just seen something which annoyed me very much.
I am wondering why this question was closed. I am also wondering why none of those closing the question took the time to tell the OP why the question was closed, even after I left a comment asking them to help the OP out by saying why they were closing it. These last two points are what annoyed me. Note: The comment was added after only one person had voted to close.
Another example of silent deletion is this question
In both cases, the given reason is that it is "too localized". So, apparently "(These questions are) unlikely to help any future visitors; (they are) only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet."
Okay, sure, fine, we are all experienced users and we all know that the real reason for closing is that the OP has shown no effort of their own. But the poor OP of my second example who has only just joined this site! He has just asked a question! What are they meant to do? How can they get help for this specific question when it is too localised! How can they generalise it? Surely every question is too localised? My point here is that, as far as the OP is concerned, their question has been closed for no apparent reason. As their mind tries to comprehend this reason for closure, they go elsewhere. This helps noone.
So, the reason that the thread was closed it because the OP has just copied and pasted some questions and not said what he has tried. However, one of the people closing the question should say so. Please, please give new (and, yes, old) users a helping hand rather than slamming the door in their face. Be friendly. Be nice. Be communicative!
Now, I have had a rant. I feel slightly better. However, just as closing a question does not rid us of a problem, me ranting about such situations does not make everything better. I have a question, and it is this,
What should be done about such situations?
I think naming and shaming would be going too far. However, I can genuinely come up with no other ideas. All I know is that something ought to be done.
Other examples can be found,
and I am sure that there are many, many more. (Although searching through the first page of closed:yes questions, most closed questions have given the OP some feedback. Most, but not all...However, this made me feel better :-) )
Note: I am not saying that these questions should not have been closed. That is a different discussion. Rather, I am saying that instead believing that closing a question makes everything better, we should be helping the OP understand how to ask their question in a way that will ensure them a helpful answer. As this what we are here for: helping people.